
Abstract BUT NOT WITH SOMEONE OF A DIFFERENT COLOUR: VIEWS AND LEGISLATION ON INTERRACIAL SEXUAL RELATIONS IN SOUTH AFRICA: This essay is the unaltered “sociological postscript” of a slim volume: Met lemand van 'n Ander Kleur: Beskouings en Wetgewing oor Ontug, in which documentary material is presented on attitudes, parliamentary debates and legislation culminating in the present total ban on sexual intimacies and marriages between whites and non-whites in South Africa. The postscript limits itself to an analysis of dominant justifications of these views and legal measures in four successive periods and correlates the “legitimization” with changing social conditions. The dominant justication for apartheid in sexual and marital relations during the initial years of the European settlement at the Cape, is shown to be the dividing line of religion. (White) christians, it was believed and decreed, should not have intimate relations with non-christian (nonwhites). After 1850 separation was justified mainly in...

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