
Analysis of household lexicon used in M.Aciz "Divan" Summary The household lexicon refers to the words that describe the names of the most important and necessary things that people use every day. This includes the names of food, clothing, decorations, and household items used in daily life. Muhammad Khalifa Ajiz, one of the prominent figures of South Azerbaijani literature, unfor¬tu¬na¬tely, is one of the writers who are not so familiar to the reader of modern Azerbaijani literature, and whose research works are rarely written about him. Although the language of Ajiz's poems is the subject of research by Iranian and Turkish scholars, the importance of his "Divan" for the vocabulary of the Azer¬bai¬jani language has been neglected. In this article, the artistic language of Muhammad Khalifa Ajiz is analy¬zed from a lexicographic point of view. The interesting part of the Ajiz lexicon is the less used lexicon that is used in certain regions of South Azerbaijan and which can be encountered by the current modern reader. Key words: South Azerbaijan literature, Ajiz, linguistics, lexicon

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