M.-A. Hamelin’s composing and performing style in the context of postmodern aesthetics
The peculiarities of the worldview and philosophy of modern contradictory era put forward before the art new requirements and benchmarks, which the Postmodern aesthetics embodies
Consider postmodernism as the result of politics and ideology of neo-conservatism, which is characterized by aesthetic eclecticism [3]
Eco understands postmodernism as a process of changing one cultural era to another, perceiving it as «... the answer to modernism: since the past cannot be destroyed, because its destruction leads to dumbness, it needs to be rethought, ironically, without naivety» [5: 77]
The peculiarities of the worldview and philosophy of modern contradictory era put forward before the art new requirements and benchmarks, which the Postmodern aesthetics embodies. The phenomenon of «Postmodernism» covers different levels of contemporary life. In philosophy, this concept was first introduced by J.‐F. The French philosopher revealed the essence of Postmodernism consisting in «awareness of diversity and pluralism of forms of rationality, activity of life, as well as the recognition of this diversity as a natural positive state» [2], and defined Postmodernism as «the general direction of modern European culture, formed in 1970–80‐es» [2]. The answer to modernism: since the past cannot be destroyed, because its destruction leads to dumbness, it needs to be rethought, ironically, without naivety» [5: 77]. This approach most accurately reveals the essence of postmodern art.
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