
We come face to face with the traces of Anatolia’s thousands years old rich past in many public lores which are still used in today’s life. Anatolia that holds a lot of ethnic and folkloristic elements in its structure became a geography of combining and interlocking of various cultures with its inclusive nature rather than dismissive and discriminating geography and enabled the development of the core of the cultures which it inhabits without losing them. With the help of kings’ grave tombs which belong to Hattians who created a great civilization with in the upper Halys bend in 3rd Millennium BC, we learn about the period’s ore technology and social life. These graves provide us with detailed information about the religous life of the period at the same time. The Hittites who were Hindo – European clan started to settle slowly to the Hattian geography from the beginning of 2nd Millennium BC and established the first central government in Anatolia by dominating the area. But the name of the geography they settled did not change. Even till the end of Hittite kingdom, Hittite kings continued to call themselves Hatti kings and their country as Hatti country. Great Hatti civilization affected a great deal of the religous life of Hittite country. In this study we try to comparatively study some public beliefs which reach to today’s Anatolian life through Hittites from Hattioans who were an asiatic tribe with the similiar applications in Turkish world.

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