
The article analyzes the work of the famous Altai writer Ch. A. Chunizhekov, whose work was a turning point in the history of Altai literature. He began his career in the years 20-30. The twentieth century, however, the period of his creative maturity fell on 1950-1960 - the time of creative take-off, at the beginning of the “golden period” in Altai literature. The object of the study was the lyric works of the writer, the main attention is paid to the influence of the socialist-realistic method on his choice of thematic material. In the lyric works of the writer, the image of Gorny Altai in the mid-20th century becomes central, and his main character is a man, the builder of a new happy future. In the prism of the author’s attention, the lyrical hero, who is understood as part of a single collective, distinguished by his dedicated work for the good of his homeland. Often the central character of the writer’s lyrics is a symbolically generalized image that reflects a social group (mother, agitator) or profession (shepherd, plowman, hunter, tractor driver ...). If the thematic directions of the lyrics were determined by the method of socialist-realistic depiction of reality, then folklore traditions, as well as the experience of both the previous generation of Altai writers, and Russian and other literatures became the means of artistic expression for the writer. He was a brilliant connoisseur of Altai folklore, a collector, literary processed Altai tales. This is evidenced by the song beginning of the writer’s lyrics, and characteristic metaphorical turns, and traditional motifs, and symbolism present in the works of the author. Relying on a rich folklore language, Ch. Chunizhekov created works on new themes and images that meet the requirements of the time. A special place in his lyrics is occupied by the poem “Tuudi”, dedicated to the famous Altai narrator Nikolai Ulagashev. The style and language of this work are similar to the heroic epic, which allows us to talk about the author s stylization. The past in this work, which is characteristic of the socialist realism in literature, is divided into the past and the present, the time that was before the advent of the Soviet Union (perceived as bleak for the common people), and - the arrival of Soviet power, when the era of sunrise and symbolically begins awakening the people from centuries of sleep. His second poem, written two decades after the publication of the first, was built in a similar manner. As a result of the analysis of the writer’s lyrics, it is proved that the ideals of socialist realism are the cornerstone of his worldview, the methods and techniques of which became fundamental in the author’s art world, building both the form and content of his works. The material for study was the lyric works of the writer, in which the worldview of the writer is most strikingly presented, in the center of which is the image of a person, a representative of modern times.

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