
Dangdut is a new genre of music introduced by Rhoma Irama, Indonesian popular musician who was the Legendary dangdut singer in the 1970s era until now. The expression of Rhoma Irama’s lyric has themes of the human being, the way of life, love, law and human right, tradition, social equality, and Islamic messages. But interestingly, the song lyrics were written by Rhoma Irama in the 1970s were mostly on the love song themes. In order to prove this, it is necessary to identify the songs through several approaches to explore the selected word and the relationship between word pairs. If each Rhoma Irama’s lyric is identified in text mining field, the lyric text extraction will be an interesting knowledge pattern. We collected the lyric from web were used as datasets, and then we have done the data extraction to store the component of lyric including the part and line of the song. We successfully applied the most word frequencies in the form of data visualization including bar chart, word cloud, term frequency-inverse document frequency, and network graph. As a results, several word pairs that often was used by Rhoma Irama in writing his song including heart-love (19 lines), heart-longing (13 lines), heart-beloved (12 lines), love-beloved (12 lines), love-longing (11 lines).

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