
This research entitled “Lyric in Abdullah Goran’s Poems” is a new glimpse on two aspects: one is lyric, and the other is about Goran’s poems. The research tries to deal with lyric in depth and details. And in the other hand, it endeavors to identify Goran’s lyric according to lyric’s traits and specialties. In view of the fact that lyric has connections with different genres such as music and singing, this research tries to explain those aspects that directly connect with it. That’s why the research will cover music and singing as its main subject of this study.
 This research has been done according to Analytical- Descriptive method, which illustrates the lyric and its connection with music or singing, and those factors that take part in creating poetic (poetical) image, poetics and sorts of deviation from lyric poems of the poet.
 The research consists of two sections, conclusion and list of sources: first section: the general perspective about lyric. First subsection: concept, term and introducing lyric. Second subsection: lyric in authors, thinkers and researchers point of views. Third subsection: the connection between lyric and music or singing. Second section: lyric in Abdullah Goran’s poems. First subsection: poetical (poetic) image by Goran. Second subsection: phonetic deviation, semantic and grammatical in the lyric poetry of the poet.

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