
Now that we have the opportunity to view Ukrainian art in all its manifestations without ideological reservations and political boundaries, it is important to highlight magazine graphics. If the magazine graphic of the Ukrainian artists of the Russian and Soviet empires of the first half of the XX century is more or less investigated, then the Galician-Ukrainian cultural renaissance of the interwar twenty years in Lviv still requires its in-depth study. 1920s-30s of the XX century – time of productive ideas in the art of Ukrainian book and magazine graphics. A wave of emigration of creative intellectuals from eastern Ukraine comes to Lviv, which, combined with prominent local masters who received brilliant education in the West, raised the development of artistic culture, in particular book and magazine graphics, at an unprecedented level. Lviv was at the crossroads of diverse aesthetic ideas. All the contemporary art currents that reflected in the high artistic phenomenon – "Lviv's formalism" – were reflected here. An important factor in the history of the Galician artistic movement of the 1920s–1930s was the founding of the Association of Independent Ukrainian Artists. Its main purpose was popularization and development of Ukrainian art, education of creative youth, assistance to Ukrainian artists. The Lviv Magazine graph between the two world wars demonstrated the diversity of artistic currents and was of great importance for the holistic development of Ukrainian culture. She demonstrated the high professionalism of the artists and organically fit into the pan-European art. Given the dispersal of Ukrainians and the danger of assimilation, the publishing business with its book and magazine covers encouraged and supported the cultural life of the Ukrainian diaspora. The artists who worked on preserving the Ukrainian national culture adapted the diversity of artistic currents and influences to national characteristics.


  • A wave of emigration of creative intellectuals from eastern Ukraine comes to Lviv, which, combined with prominent local masters who received brilliant education in the West, raised the development of artistic culture, in particular book and magazine graphics, at an unprecedented level

  • The Lviv Magazine graph between the two world wars demonstrated the diversity of artistic currents and was of great importance for the holistic development of Ukrainian culture

  • The artists who worked on preserving the Ukrainian national culture adapted the diversity of artistic currents and influences to national characteristics

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У статті аналізуються мистецькі засади української журнальної обкладинки у Львові, куди прибула значна кількість митців зі східних земель. The Lviv Magazine graph between the two world wars demonstrated the diversity of artistic currents and was of great importance for the holistic development of Ukrainian culture. Творча інтелігенція зі Сходу України, поєднавшись з видатними місцевими майстрами, які отримали блискучу освіту на Заході, підняла розвиток художньої культури, зокрема книжково-журнальної графіки на небачену висоту. Українських видань, присвячених мистецтву книжкової та журнальної обкладинок доби міжвоєнного Львова, небагато.

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