
The low-temperature luminescence of ZnMnTe/ZnMgTe and CdMnTe/CdMgTe quantum well structures with different quantum well widths and different Mn proportions is studied at optical-excitation power densities ranging from 104 to 106 W cm−2. Because of saturation of the lowest excited state 4 T 1 of the 3d shell of Mn2+ ions, transitions to higher states start to play an important role. As a result, the intracenter luminescence of Mn2+ ions deteriorates at high excitation levels. Simultaneously, the temperature-dependent saturation of the main exciton-emission band e1hh1 of the quantum wells occurs, and the band e2hh2 emerges. As the optical excitation is increased, the intracenter luminescence band of Mn2+ ions changes its shape. This effect is attributed to the faster saturation of the excited states of interface ions. For CdMnTe/CdMgTe structures, the effect of the quantum well width and Mn content on the relation between the emission intensities corresponding to excitons in quantum wells, excitons in barriers, and the 3d shell of Mn2+ ions is established.

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