
The efficient use of fuel and energy resources is one of the most important tasks facing the economy of the Republic of Belarus and ensuring energy security and energy independence of the country. The transport complex of the Republic of Belarus, in general, and the Belarusian Railways, in particular, is one of the largest consumers of fuel and energy resources in the country. The interaction of the rolling stock and the track is the fundamental physical process in the movement of cars, locomotives and trains along the railways. In the wheel-rail interaction system, the rolling surface of the wheel forms an open friction pair with the rail. The friction force leads to losses of up to 5-10% of the tractive power of the locomotive, as well as to active wear of the wheel crests and the side surface of the rail head. Lubrication, as one of the most important technological measures aimed at increasing the resource of the wheel-rail system and reducing energy consumption, plays an important role in the overall strategy for the development of rail transport, improving the efficiency and competitiveness of the industry as a whole. The article deals with issues related to the application of lubrication and calculation of fuel and energy resources savings in some railroad tracks of the Belarusian Railways.


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Транспортный комплекс государства, в целом, и Белорусская железная дорога, в частности, является одним из крупнейших потребителей топливно-энергетических ресурсов (ТЭР) в стране. Взаимодействие подвижного состава и пути – основополагающий физический процесс при движении вагонов, локомотивов и поездов по железным дорогам. Что применение смазочных материалов является наиболее эффективным способом защиты от повышенного износа колес и рельсов.

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