
ABSTRACT The Center for X-Ray Optics at the University at Albany, founded to pursue the development ofcapillaiy x-ray and neutron optics, has grown rapidly since its establishment less than four years ago.Quantitative characterization ofthese optics from 1 keV to 45keVwas reported here in 1993. In thisreport, a summaiy ofthe current status ofthis effort will be described in the context ofactivities at theCenter for X-Ray Optics. INTRODUCTION Polycapillary x-ray and neutron optics were invented by Muradin A. Kumakhov ofthe KurchatovInstitute ofAtomic Energy in Moscow in the mid 1980'S.1,2,3 November 1990 the Center for X-RayOptics (CXO) was established by Walter M. Gibson at The University at Albany as part ofan agreementwith Kumakhov tojointly develop the new technology. At the same time the Institute for RoentgenOptical Systems (IROS) was formed in Moscow to carry on the work there, and a company, X-Ray OpticalSystems, Inc. (XOS) was formed to commercialize the new technology. In a series ofagreements thatinvolved the Kurchatov Institute, where much of the initial work was carried out, and Soviet, Russian, andMoscow city governmental bodies, IROS became part of the Moscow branch of the World Laboratoiy4 inorder to facilitate movement of people and materials between the three collaborating bodies and also toallow existing and future intellectual property to be protected by patents inside and outside Russia In thelight of subsequent events and turmoil in the former Soviet Union, these arrangements have proven to bepropitious.Establishment of collaborations with leaders in a varieiv of aunlication areas has provided an

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