
The application of HgCdTe as an infrared sensor material requires an accurate knowledge of the electrical parameters which are usually obtained from measurements of both the Hall coefficient and electrical conductivity as a function of temperature and magnetic field. Interpretation of the experimental data is difficult due to the unique band structure of HgCdTe and due to the presence of defects, surface layers, influence of the substrate, as well as localized non-uniformities. All of these effects can lead to 'anomalous' magnetic field dependence of the Hall data. In this paper we present the state of the art analysis of magnetic- field dependent Hall data including the recently developed quantitative mobility spectrum analysis (QMSA). This technique requires no prior assumptions to be made as to carrier type or number, and gives quantitatively accurate results for each carrier concentration and mobility. Of particular interest is a comparative study of the results obtained from QMSA with those obtained from previously developed techniques such as the Beck and Anderson mobility spectrum (MS) analysis and the recently described hybrid approach proposed by Meyer et al. which combines MS analysis with a multi-carrier fitting (MCF) procedure (MS + MCF). This comparison is illustrated with the analysis being performed on experimental Hall measurements from an epitaxial HgCdTe film which displayed 'anomalous' Hall characteristics.

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