
INTRODUCTIONAt last time the many scientists working with systems of technical sight. And all of them have large problem. Itis the making of unifical objects recognition systems. The methods of recognizing by signs are more attractive for de-ciding this problem. We must note that all known methods let pick out only one of all possible signs [1, 2]. But pickingout several object's signs quantity will be best for its recognition.It is necessary to decide the input information treatment problem for receiving desirable results of engeneeringactivity. The image identify problem is most interesting part of main treatment problem. That is mean that the aim ofoptimal technical sight system working out is put. This system will not base at the standard logic-mathematical algo-rithms. We noted from this that optimal technical sight systems creation connected with new treatment and informationanalysis methods. These methods base at the physics-technological basis of dates treatment and transformation. Wehave mark the next, that information perception has been maximal approach to natural parallel perception and treatmentin such systems. The information perception and treatment way need to making arrangements like arrangements eye-processor type [3]. The apparatus like that has made input and dates preliminary treatment and this information analy-sis and object recognition.The information treatment consists of the four parts in those arrangements. The first is preliminary treatment byKVP-transformation method [4]. The second is forming unobviously expressed signs systems. The next is making unitfinish function. She take into account weight marks of quality and quantity object characteristics. And last is makingknowledge underground and finish recognizing.Each stage contains large quality difficult tasks. They have been decide by principle new ways. And that is whythe authors proposed to use the new mathematical operations. Those operations will help describe all informationtreatment.THE INFORMATION PRELIMINARY TREATMENTAuthors proposed to use method oftransfonii all possible signals at the unit signals type. This method will be asa preliminary treatment. The quantronum (time) transformation (KVP-transformation) proposed make here. It is basisfor this treatment way. This way the universal of information preliminary treatment arrangements lets fulfil. Its resultwill not depend from input signals type (electrical, sound, light, magnetic etc.) in those arrangements. This fact willpossible because all signals transform at some universal function by quantization. And just this result will be in processafter then.This function has corresponded to next demands. These are high adaptation maximal simple and very fast imagedescribing and it must have large reliable.The functions of logic-temporary type (LTF) as a unit function are use [3]. This is expedient at the conditionswhen the optoelectronic treatment arrangements will apply. Those functions are not only simple describe but they letreach high information treatment speed. This speed by help information carrier will be secure. And the carrier is timefactor. The some quantity of light flow carry out transforms at corresponded time intervals in the current time moment.It transformation is plate transformation. And it fulfilling for LTF making. This way to information treatment is veryimportant in the eye-processor arrangements. By this fact they the process of image treatment make automatic in tech-nic sight systems.

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