
The Microfiche Image Transmission System (MITS) is intended to improve access by individuals to personnel records held in the Bureau of Naval Personnel's (BUPERS) Microform Personnel Records System (MPRS). The basic problem is to transmit quickly and economically requested microfiche images from BUPERS' central site in Washington, D.C., to remote sites such as Norfolk, Virginia, and San Diego, California. A preliminary system design for MITS has been completed which encompasses system component specifications as well as manual and man-machine procedures necessary to implement a microfacsimile transmission system. System components were selected as a result of an options analysis study. To reduce development costs the study attempted to identify commercially available components that would meet system design goals. No new component designs were required. Salient design features include laser-beam spinning-mirror scanners and recorders for use at the central and remote sites, a wideband satellite transmission link, and use of a dry-processed silver-halide output film. Personnel requirements for one central site and one remote site operating on three shifts daily include filling five different work positions requiring a total complement of eight people. Cost estimates conducted in conjunction with the options analysis study and preliminary design show that MITS is not now economically competitive with mail or air freight for BUPERS' operation. However, they suggest that technolog-ical advances will reduce M ITS' recurrent costs below those of the other transmission schemes within 10 to 15 years. Since new developments in digital image processing will enhance the system's effectiveness, MITS will remain a promising area of application for innovations in this field. Potential applications for MITS exist Navy-wide as well as with the U.S. Postal Service, Defense Documentation Center, and National Technical Information Service.

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