
A taxonomic revision of Chrysoritis butterflies based on morphological, ecological and distributional data cross validated with molecular phylogenetic analyses by Quek et al. (2022) is presented. The number of Chrysoritis species is raised from 43 to 49, of which 37 (previously 28) are in the thysbe clade. The taxonomic changes are summarised as follows: Synonymised and reduced to subspecific status: C. chrysaor natalensis stat. nov. (van Son); C. lyncurium lycegenes stat. nov. (Trimen 1874) and C. chrysaor midas stat. nov. (Pennington). Reassigned subspecies: C. zwartbergae rubrescens stat. nov. Heath & Pringle. Elevated to specific status: C. whitei stat. rev. (Dickson); C. wykehami stat. rev. (Dickson); C. mithras stat. rev. (Pringle); C. aridimontis stat. nov. Heath & Pringle; C. amatola stat. nov. (Dickson & McMaster), C. stepheni stat. rev. (Dickson); C. williami stat. rev. Heath and C. lysander stat. rev. (Pennington) from the Kamiesberg area; C. zwartbergae stat. nov (Dickson). The former C. thysbe subspecies osbecki reverts to form, f. osbecki stat. rev. The binomial name pan lysander is no longer in use, being superseded by the above changes. An updated list of larval host plants and host ants for Chrysoritis is provided, as well as the conservation status of each species.

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