Adapting Cross Cultural Speech Act Realization Project (CCSARP) taxonomy proposed by Blum-Kulka et al. (1989), this study examines the effect of power and gender of the addressees on the type and number of apology strategies used by (50) Sarawani Baloch male university students (SBMUS). The results, supporting the universality of employing apology strategies, indicate the chosen strategies employed by SBMUS were mostly the same as those used by the participants in other languages mentioned in CCSARP. Nevertheless, SBMUS also employed some different strategies not predicted in that project, reflecting the influence of religious and cultural factors governing Baloch society of Sarawan. Furthermore, power and gender of the addressees mostly does not affect the type and number of apology strategies employed by SBMUS. As to the type and number of strategies, the most frequent strategies were ‘illocutionary force indicating devices’ and the combination of 3 strategies, respectively. It seems that culture, religion, context and the situations in which an apology occurs, have significant effect on the type and number of apology strategies employed by these participants.
Atos de discurso conotando desculpas no dialeto Sarawani Balochi: um estudo de caso em estudantes universitários masculinos
[...] apologies can be performed by any one of the following strategies, or combination or sequence thereof: - Illocutionary Force Indicating Devices (IFID) - Taking on responsibility - Explanation or account - Offer of repair - Promise of forbearance
They (BLUM-KULKA et al, 1989, p. 290) assert that “[...] the import of these five major strategies is fairly transparent; when we remark that IFIDs explicitly clarify that an apology is being carried out”
Atos de discurso conotando desculpas no dialeto Sarawani Balochi: um estudo de caso em estudantes universitários masculinos. Esse estudo adapta a taxonomia do Projeto de Conscientização do Ato da Fala Intercultural de Blum-Kulka et al (1989) e examina os efeitos do poder e do gênero dos destinatários sobre o tipo e o número de estratégias conotando desculpas usadas por cinquenta estudantes universitários masculinos falantes de Sarawani Baloch. O poder e o gênero dos destinatários geralmente não influenciam o tipo e o número de estratégias de apologia usados por falantes de SB. It was due to the examination of ‘speech as a cultural phenomenon’ that they (BLUM-KULKA et al, 1989) launched CCSARP to investigate the speech acts of requests and apologies in 7 different languages and cultures. [...] the general goal of the CCSARP investigation is to establish patterns of request and apology realizations under different social constraints across a number of languages and cultures, including both native and nonnative varieties
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