
The suspension of the Non-Cooperation movement as well as the internment of Gandhi paved the way for wider ramifications. In the absence of Gandhi, the Congress leaders were divided over the question of the strategy to be adopted. As a result, the Congress got split into two groups namely ‘No-changers’ and ‘Pro- changes’. The group led by C.R. Das which favoured the council – entry move was known as ‘Pro-changers’ and those who opposed the council entry move were called as ‘No-changers’.The “Pro-changers” included prominent leaders like C.R.Das, Motilal Nehru and Satyamuti. From a humble beginning, the Swarajya Party gained political credibility not just within the Congress circles but in the wider arena. The leaders of the party not only exhibited vision and statesmanship but also gave new direction and Orientation to Indian nationalism. In spite of ideological variances, Gandhi backed the Swarajists. He not only let them try out their programme but also handed over to them the Congress organization. Thus Swarajists took over the Congress. They opposed Justice Party tooth and nail in Tamilnadu. Leaders like S.Satyamurti swore to uproot Justice Party. The Swarajists supported the non-Brahmins and undermined the credibility of Justice Party. Many Justicities deserted their party and swelled the ranks of the Congress.

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