
Cultural Excavations by Nadezhda Venediktova were published in late autumn 2021, at the time most suitable for philosophical speculations. This way of thinking brings us close to a collapse that might equally turn out productive or catastrophic. Its anaemic academic manner stands out among full-blooded well-crafted literature of saturated and inspiring reality. Pandemic or not, we seek to know whether there is a need to distinguish between various cultures if at the end of the day people are still people. The author does not provide the answer but rather invites us to join a sophisticated mental game in fine textual decorations. And readers will walk away a little confused about simplicity of binary oppositions, and straightforwardness of the logic that a bored visitor so happily lays their hands on, eager and happy to get down to work. The book evolves around the topic of meeting thyself in different cultural surroundings. Sunlit essays bear the imprint of the bitter rationalism of the French enlightenment coupled with a weathered love of personal presence in the world. In her latest work, Nadezhda Venediktova ‘ambitiously comments on life’s creative abilities’. Vivid sketches entitled Passions for Europe may take place by a nameless lake in Zurich but remind readers of Michel Houellebecq’s concrete jungle, of Spengler’s mathematics. But nothing here speaks of The Decline of the West, under the author’s thoughtful gaze Europe comes to life fresh and real — a proverbial sphynx with its intriguing riddles. The author’s underworld meetings with the world literature alternate with colorful Italian landscapes. Vibrant images of friends are so true to life that remind of the immortality of soul. The soul of Europe is truly immortal and found across the continent — Italy, Britain, Austria, Germany, France, Greece, Switzerland, Spain — gave their name to the chapters but cannot be reduced to a dusty catalogue. Nadezhda Venediktova presents European countries through effortless florid metaphors. This what happens when Europe looks into the author’s soul, though it might look otherwise from an outside perspective.


  • Cultural Excavations by Nadezhda Venediktova were published in late autumn 2021, at the time most suitable for philosophical speculations

  • We seek to know whether there is a need to distinguish between various cultures if at the end of the day people are still people

  • The book evolves around the topic of meeting thyself in different cultural surroundings

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Маргарита Вениаминовна Силантьева

Который можно вычитать в книге Надежды Венедиктовой Последняя вещь Надежды Венедиктовой — действительно вещь, где, говоря её словами, «я амбициозно комментирую авторские способности жизни — такого сюжета в мировой литературе ещё не было». Личные «подземные встречи» автора с мировой литературой сочетаются в книге с солнечными пейзажами итальянской провинции, со швейцарскими чесалками для коров, с колоритными образами друзей и близких, настолько объёмно выхваченных из реальности и перенесённых в повествование, что невольно возникает ассоциация с античными историями о бессмертии души. Душа Европы, возможно действительно бессмертная, в этом повествовании шатается по миру, отказываясь от каталогизации (хотя «Страсти по Европе» и построены по принципу простого перечисления имён, как синодик: Италия, Великобритания, Австрия, Германия, Франция, Греция, Швейцария, Испания) — так же, как по мнению писателя не очень уместна нумерация каждой новой мысли в письмах.

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