
Bas van Fraassen' Constructive empiricism was thought as an anti-realist position that avoids any ontological commitment to undesirable metaphysical entities and is deeply divorced from both the scientific realism and logical positivism. In this paper, I claim that the only way the author finds to achieve that goal is to adopt a particular type of empiricism which, unfortunately, has some cracks that allow filtration of metaphysics. The positivist's anti-metaphysic empiricism is replaced by a new kind of empiricism who inadvertently makes some concessions to metaphysics. The outcome is that the author's position is closer to realism he always rejected.


  • Bas van Fraassen' Constructive empiricism was thought as an anti-realist position that avoids any ontological commitment to undesirable metaphysical entities

  • I claim that the only way the author finds to achieve that goal is to adopt a particular type of empiricism which

  • The positivist's anti-metaphysic empiricism is replaced by a new kind of empiricism

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Roberto Miguel Azar

El empirismo constructivo de Bas van Fraassen fue pensado como una posición antirrealista que elude todo compromiso ontológico con entidades metafísicas no deseables y que está profundamente distanciada tanto del realismo científico como del positivismo lógico. Se defenderá la tesis según la cual el único modo que encuentra el autor de lograr ese objetivo es adoptando un tipo particular de empirismo que, infelizmente, tiene ciertas fisuras que permiten la filtración de la metafísica. El empirismo anti-metafísico de los positivistas es sustituido por un nuevo tipo de empirismo que, involuntariamente, hace ciertas concesiones a la metafísica que terminan acercando la posición de van Fraassen al realismo que él siempre rechazó.

Algunas grietas
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