
The entire southern Milky Way has been surveyed for various types of strong-emission-line objects on low-dispersion objective-prism plates taken mostly within a nine-month observing period in 1967-1968. This appears to be the first such comprehensive southern survey to utilize plates covering the entire AA33006800 wavelength range. The spectra of 179 objects (including 20 apparently newly discovered emission4ine objects) are classified into various major spectral categories recognizable at low dispersion. These include extreme Be-like objects, Z Andromedae- like stars, suspected very-low-excitation nebulae, peculiar M-type stars, VV Cephei stars, and very-steep-Balmer-decrement objects of unknown type. The galactic-longitude distributions of some of these types are discussed. Subject headings: combination spectra - emission-line stars - spectral classification

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