
In this communication, low voltage organic thin film transistors (OTFTs) using water-processed gum arabic (GA) as the gate dielectric are reported. The fabricated OTFTs operate at 3 V with a field-effect mobility in the saturation regime μsat = 0.6 cm2V-1s-1, threshold voltage Vth = -0.35 V, subthreshold swing SS = 350 mV/dec, and on/off current ratio ION/OFF > 102. The characterization of metal-insulator-metal (MIM) capacitors shows that the studied GA displays high dielectric constant at 1 kHz (k ∼ 30) and that the leakage current density through the prepared (1250 ± 14) nm thick GA films is around 10−7 A/cm² at ±3 V. As a result, gum arabic emerges as a promising gate dielectric for low voltage OTFTs especially when the requirements of eco-friendly manufacturing are considered.

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