
The ongoing transition to decentralized renewable energy sources and sector-coupled consumers is reshaping the energy system. Changes at lower grid levels can stress lines and transformers. Crucial for a successful local energy transition are grid relief measures. Battery electric vehicles contribute to higher loads on grid equipment but also offer flexibility. This paper assesses the influence of four different charging strategies for battery electric vehicles across five representative low-voltage grids based on the grid development plan in Germany for the years 2021, 2037, and 2045. Results indicate that grid stress, specifically capacity stress, will emerge by 2037 and 2045. Decentralized photovoltaic systems are the primary contributors to this stress due to high simultaneous generation. Up to nearly 20% of photovoltaic power may need to be curtailed in 2045, especially in rural grids during the summer, to prevent overloads.Charging strategies linked to wholesale power market prices can inadvertently lead to higher consumption-induced grid overloads, necessitating the consideration of local grid restrictions. Implementing grid-friendly charging strategies, such as reduced charging power or alignment with local photovoltaic production, can mitigate those grid overloads from almost 8% down to 0.11%. However, these charging strategies have limited impact on photovoltaic-induced overloads due to the low number of connected battery electric vehicles during the day.In summary, appropriate charging strategies can ease low-voltage grid stress and are suitable measures to manage the challenges of decentralized energy transition and battery-electric vehicle adoption.

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