
As the CMOS technology continues to scale to achieve higher performance, power dissipation and robustness to leakage and, process variations are becoming major obstacles for circuit design in the nanoscale technologies. Due to increased density of transistors in integrated circuits and higher frequencies of operation, power consumption, propagation delay, PDP, and area is reaching the lower limits. We have designed 16-bit adder circuit by Carry-Select Adder (CSA) using different pass-transistor logic. The adder cells are designed by DSCH3 CAD tools and layout are generated by Microwind 3 VLSI CAD tools. Using CSA technique, the power dissipation, PDP, area, transistor count, are calculated from the layout cell of proposed 16-bit adder for Ultra Deep Submicron feature size of 120, 90, 70, and 50 nm. The UDSM signal parameters are calculated such as signal to noise ratio (SNR), energy per instruction (EPI), Latency, and throughput using layout parameter analysis of BSIM 4. The simulated results show that the CPL is dominant in terms of power dissipation, propagation delay, PDP, and area among the other pass gate logics. Our CPL circuit dominates in terms of EPI, SNR, throughput, and latency in signal parameters analysis. The proposed CPL adder circuit is compared with reported results and found that our CPL circuit gives better performance.

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