
Power consumption has emerged as a primary design constraint for integrated circuits (ICs). In the Nano meter technology regime, leakage power has become a major component of total power. Full adder is the basic functional unit of an ALU. The power consumption of a processor is lowered by lowering the power consumption of an ALU, and the power consumption of an ALU can be lowered by lowering the power consumption of Full adder. So the full adder designs with low power characteristics are becoming more popular these days. This proposed work illustrates the design of the low-power less transistor full adder designs using cadence tool and virtuoso platform, the entire simulations have been done on 180nm single n-well CMOS bulk technology, in virtuoso platform of cadence tool with the supply voltage 1.8V and frequency of 100MHz. These circuits consume less power with maximum (6T design)of 93.1% power saving compare to conventional 28T design and 80.2% power saving compare to SERF design without much delay degradation. The proposed circuit exploits the advantage of GDI technique and pass transistor logic

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