
In virtually every area of dentistry the advent of lasers and more precisely soft lasers was revolutionary. Advantages of this particular laser is multidirectional, and thus the results are multifold. A major purpose in current dentistry is the non-invasive therapy in oral diseases. The search for a new treatment promotes a thorough review of the laser technology that currently provides opportunities for their use in all fields of dental practice. Improved knowledge and ongoing work in this direction have culminated in a stronger awareness of of Low Level Laser Therapy’s (LLLT’s) stimulatory, anti-inflammatory and biogenerative impacts, not just on soft tissue but also on hard tissue. Laser results have not yet been extensively studied, but they have the potential to become recognized as a better alternative than conventional therapy. The aim of this article is to put the use of LLLT in the field of dentistry into perspective through exploring the concepts of low-level laser therapy and their effect on soft and hard tissues in the oral cavity at a subclinical stage. This in turn reduces the dependence on medications and with it reduces the occurrences of drug interactions or complications.

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