
Background. The discussed topic is worth attracting attention because of its high mortality rate in patients with acute renal damage which is caused by urological and surgical diseases. The membrane-destructive component in damaged renal tissues is manifested with decreased glomerular filtration rate, increased endotoxin level and lipid aberrations. The standard infusion and antibacterial therapy does not fully compensate the severity of pathological changes.Purpose. To study the effectiveness of low-level laser irradiation at endotoxicosis and lipid metabolism indicators in acute renal damage in acute experimental peritonitis.Material and methods. Lipid peroxidation, membrane-destructive processes in renal tissues as well as lipid metabolism and endotoxicosis were studied in the experiment with dogs. The effectiveness of infusion and antibiotic therapy and combined therapy with laser light were compared.Basic results: the experiment has demonstrated that acute renal damage was caused by systemic inflammatory diseases of non-urological profile. The applied low-level laser irradiation (LLLI) promoted more rapid correction of pathological processes which were manifested with increased concentration of cholesterol esters, total phospholipids, phosphatidylserine; LLLI decreased levels of cholesterol, phosphatidylcholine, triacylglycerol, phosphatidylinositol, triacylglycerol, phosphatidylinositol, diacylglycerol, lysophospholipids, free fatty acids and endotoxicosis parameters.Conclusion: the obtained results reliably indicate a LLLI positive effect at the organism’s potentials to recover when LLLI is included into the comprehensive therapy (under experiment). This is evidently seen in the restoration of lipid component in elements of renal parenchyma and in the decrease of lipid peroxidation activity.


  • The discussed topic is worth attracting attention because of its high mortality rate in patients with acute renal damage which is caused by urological and surgical diseases

  • The membrane-destructive component in damaged renal tissues is manifested with decreased glomerular filtration rate

  • well as lipid metabolism and endotoxicosis were studied in the experiment with dogs

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Материал и методы исследования

Проспективное экспериментальное исследование 35 половозрелых беспородных собак включало изучение компонентов фосфолипидов почек на фоне моделированного острого перитонита с доказанным наличием острого почечного повреждения. В первой группе изучали динамику липидных компонентов на фоне проводимой медикаментозной терапии: инфузионной (5% раствор глюкозы и 0,89% раствор натрия хлорида – 50 мл/кг массы 1 раз в сутки) и антибактериальной (цефтриаксон 100 мг/кг массы тела внутримышечно 1 раз в сутки). Выбранная модель экспериментального перитонита соответствует цели нашего исследования – через 24 часа у животных развивался острый распространенный серозно-гнойный перитонит с явлениями эндогенной интоксикации, снижением скорости клубочковой фильтрации, протеинурией, уменьшением диуреза. В обеих группах совокупно оценивалась динамика критериев эндогенной интоксикации и острого почечного повреждения. Отражающих степень острого почечного повреждения и эндотоксикоза, выражали в процентном отношении, где данные контрольной группы были приняты за 100%

Результаты исследования
Динамика показателей липидного обмена
Experimental group
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