
The demand for sheep products these days becomes higher, as evidenced by the tendency to increase small ruminants in the world and Russia. It leads to manufacturers’ desire to get products as quickly as possible, without worrying about their quality. Various medications are used, which later, when eating animal meat, can have a detrimental effect on the human body. These studies aimed to study the effect of low-intensity laser radiation on the sheep’s organism and obtain ecologically clean and high-quality mutton. For this, during the experiments, the blood of animals was studied. An essential role of protein metabolism in the animal body is blood serum proteins, qualitative and quantitative characteristics. They are the primary plastic material of tissues and organs and carry out regulatory, catalytic, and immunobiological functions. The growth rate is closely related to protein deposition. Individual development is determined by the constant exchange of substances and energy between the body and the external environment. However, each animal species has its metabolic traits, and, in particular, it concerns the transformation of proteins. Age-related biochemistry of protein metabolism has significant material in disclosing the fundamental biochemical constants of metabolism in animals’ bodies. Simultaneously, the study of the peculiarities of protein metabolism is one of the main links in the knowledge of the biochemical essence of each period of sheep’s life.

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