
Manakins (Pipridae) are well know for elaborate male sexual displays and ornate plumage coloration, both of which are thought to have evolved as a consequence of lekking breeding, the prevalent mating system in the family. Less attention has been paid to a handful of ‘drab’ manakin species, in which sexual dimorphism appears to be reduced or absent. Using character reconstruction, we show that these ‘exceptions to the rule’ represent phylogenetically independent cases of losses in sexual dimorphism, and as such could provide a focal group to investigate the link between changes in morphology and in life history (e.g. mating system). We take a first step in this direction by focusing on two subspecies of the putatively monomorphic green manakin Xenopipo holochlora to formally confirm that the species is sexually monomorphic in size and plumage color and test the prediction that sexual monomorphism is associated with the loss of lekking behavior in this species. Our results show that size dimorphism is present but limited in the green manakin, with substantial overlap in male and female morphometric measures, and that sexes are largely monochromatic (including from an avian perspective), despite marked coloration differences between subspecies. Behavioral observations indicate that males do not form leks and do not engage in elaborate sexual displays, that there is no stable pair bond formation, and that females provide parental care alone. These findings are consistent with the idea that changes in mating behavior may have driven changes in morphology in Pipridae, and we encourage similar studies on other drab manakins to better understand this relationship.

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