
In this paper we present the results of core analysis of Asup level from Moli del Salt site (Vimbodi i Poblet, Tarragona/Spain), dated to ca. 11 ka 14C BP (c. 12700-13000 years cal BP). This analysis was carried out from the methodological proposals raised by various authors as Guilbaud (1995) and Vaquero (1997). With this study, we try to define the operative field to better understand the variability of knapping strategies and the possible continuity relations among them used by the populations who occupied the site during the Final Upper Palaeolithic. This technological variability has been corroborated. In general, the cores present facial hierarchy and the extractions are long and narrow. Thus, there is a significant presence of blade knapping. In addition, we have differentiated six types of siliceous raw materials.

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