This study considers the expediency of combined duck meat of regional origin containing other types of raw materials with high protein value in meatcontaining sausages. The model for the studying of feasibility of combining duck meat of regional origin with other types of raw materials was a recipe for smoked sausage containing duck meat and pork, which also including pork fat and spices. The developed formulations contained meat of Peking duck, pork hearts, pork fat, soybean isolates, dry demineralized whey, chicken skin, and soluble dietary fiber. In the model samples of smoked sausage qualitative characteristics, indicators of microbiological safety, nutritional and biological value have been studied according to standard methods. The analysis of the results of the organoleptic evaluation confirms that the combination of Peking duck meat with raw materials of different origins containing protein enhances the appearance of the products, the taste and smell, the texture and the color. The study of the microbiological parameters of the sausages developed has indicated that the number of mesophilic aerobic and optional anaerobic microorganisms in all the tested samples was within the normal limits. The study of the number of bacteria of E. coli group has not detected these microorganisms in any of the samples. It has been proved that the developed variants of meat-containing smoked sausages contained high protein according to the analysis of the nutritional value of the products, low fat concentration and low-calorie foods. It has been confirmed that the duck meat can be combined with protein ingredients of different origins to increase the protein content in the developed products by 29.98 - 31.69%, to reduce the mass fraction of fat by 31.18-35.64%. The high biological value for the content of essential amino acids and the biological efficiency for the content of fatty acids of the ω-6 and ω-3 families have been confirmed. It has been determined that when Peking duck meat is combined with non-meat types of protein-containing raw materials (pork hearts, soybean isolate, dry demineralized whey) as a part of meat-containing smoked sausage, it allows producing nutritious products with high quality indicators.
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