
Introduction: The state of Jalisco with only 4.0 % of the national area holds about 27.0 % (64 spp) of all rodent species described for Mexico. This knowledge of the richness of rodents from Jalisco is clearly known and refers only to the publications cited the presence of a taxon inside the state border. Therefore, this paper aims to propose an illustrated key to facilitate any interested person a tool that allows them to easily recognize rodent species inhabiting the state of Jalisco. It also represents an effort that seeks to contribute to a better understanding of morphological variation that is so difficult to appreciate in this group of vertebrates. Methods: The key to the identification of rodents of Jalisco was integrated based on the compilation and analysis of bibliographic information, and review of museum specimens deposited in the mammal collection of the Centro de Estudios en Zoologia, Universidad de Guadalajara (CZUG). We consider first the original literature where these taxa are described, and ensure the correct identification of the members of the rodents were considered diagnostic characters allowing species easily recognize. With the purpose of facilitating the understanding and accessibility of the key to any interested and not just specialists, have been included illustrations that accompany the text in almost all expressions of character states. Results: The diversity of rodents of Jalisco consists of 64 species, which fall under 30 genera and five families. As a result they, the rodents are the second most diverse group of mammals in the state, behind only the order Chiroptera (73 spp.). Of all species, 18 (28.0 %) are monotypic and 46 (72.0 %) polytypic. In relation to the endemic species, six genera and 29 species are endemic to Mexico. The family that had the greatest number of species was Cricetidae (40 spp) that contains about 62.5 % of all rodent species considered for the state. The families Sciuridae and Heteromyidae have eight species each (25.0 %), Geomyidae five (8%) and Muridae have only three species (4.5 %). In relation to protected species by the Mexican government, four and one subspecies are subject to special protection, and emphasizes Xenomys nelsoni which is within the category of threatened. Discussion and conclusions: The state of Jalisco has considerable richness and concentration of endemic species of rodents; this is basically due to its geographical location in the transition zone between the Nearctic and Neotropical region, and a series of topographic and climatic factors. Comparing the total number of species (64) recorded in Jalisco with other regions such as Chiapas (48 spp.) and Oaxaca (56 spp.) suggests that diversity of rodents Jalisco is high. It should be considered an important Jalisco western Mexico area, not only for biodiversity and many endemic species which houses, but also to promote the conservation of its biological richness.

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