
espanolEn los territorios de los valles altos de Galicia, las aldeas responden al secular conocimiento y manejo de la escorrentia del agua. Se emplazan a media ladera, entre el monte -donde las branas, “chaos” y turberas funcionan como captadores del agua de lluvia- y las zonas de cultivo, donde las aguas broncas- que descienden arrastrando limos, arcillas y materia organica- se apaciguan y domestican para ser dirigidas sabiamente a fertilizar estas tierras mas bajas. Sobre su territorio, la comunidad de cada aldea fue construyendo terrazas cultivables y una intrincada y multifuncional red de riego, drenaje y escorrentia, ajustando progresivamente una compleja gestion comunitaria para su reparto proporcional y equitativo, sin apenas perturbar el ciclo natural del agua. Se muestra como la construccion de estos territorios aterrazados responde a un profundo conocimiento del manejo del agua en las condiciones locales, tanto al control de la escorrentia como al riego EnglishThe habitat of the territory of ancient Gallaeciain the NorthWest of the Iberian peninsula is characterized by the distribution of its population throughout tens of thousands of small hamlets which have configured their environment in such a way as to form their own distinctive territory, associated with its evolutionary dynamic with roots ina remote past of patterns of human settlement that culminates in the culture of the castros. This study describes the hamlet of A Burgeira and its associated territory which is located in the upper levels of the River Tamuxe valley in the district of Rosal. It can serve as a paradigm of how decisions concerning the location for a settlement were taken communally employing a profound knowledge of the environment with regard to the availability of water resources. These resources, managed wisely, have conditioned the successive elaborations of the terracing which have enabled intense traditional cultivation

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