364BOOK REVIEWS Part II examines the dialogues that foUowed Vatican CouncU II, namely, the work of ARCIC (AngUcan-Roman Catholic International Commission>I (1969-1981) and -II (since 1981), on the assumption that they were made possible largely by the experience of Malines. This section is, however, unequal. "A Brief History ofARCIC," by Denaux, is more complete and exact for ARCIC-II, of which the author became a member in 1993, than for ARCIC-I. The Preparatory Commission, with its three meetings (1967-1968), receives only fifteen lines, is not analyzed, and its membership is not even indicated. Nonetheless, its Malta Report (1968) set the perspective, methodology, and ecclesiology of ARCIC-I. The main difficulties and tensions of the dialogue are passed over. The contribution of national dialogues to the international commission is overstated. The Usting of the titles or topics of essays presented at the meetings is highly selective , and the membership of some subcommissions is missing. Incidentally, ARCIC, I or II, never met at "Casa Cardinale Piazzo" (Venice), as reported six times, but at Casa Cardinale Piazza. One point seems to be ignored: When they gathered at Windsor Castle in 1981, most of the participants had no idea that this would be their last meeting; in 1980 they had been assured that there was no reason for their commission not to continue for several more years! Thus the Final Report was not a planned document, but the result of abruptly ending a dialogue that had momentum for much more. These shortcomings are happUy countered in two papers by members of ARCIC-I, the AngUcan Christopher Hill, andJean-Marie Tillard,who both present a global vision. Several ceremonial addresses given at the commemoration follow . A Ust of participants, mostly Belgian, foUows. Apart from TiUard, bishops Clark, Duprey and HiU, the surviving members of ARCIC-I were not even invited ! Part III comprises an extensive bibliography of ARCIC Missing, however, is Pro and Con on Ordination of Women. Report and Papersfrom theAnglicanRoman CathoUc Consultation (1975; pp. 114). On the whole, a disappointing book, redeemed by two exceUent papers. George H.Tavard Assmption Center Brighton, Massachusetts Los bienes de losjesuítas:Disolución e incautación de la Compañía defesús durante la Segunda República. By Alfredo Verdoy. (Madrid: Editorial Trotta. 1995. Pp. 422.) This is the first detaUed study of the Spanish Republic's 1932 dissolution of the Society ofJesus and the nationalization of its property. Father Verdoy, a Jesuit historian, has mined the Jesuit and government archives to produce a sub- BOOK REVIEWS365 stantial work that succeeds in dispelling much of the myth and conjecture about the controversial events surrounding the Spanish Jesuits and their property in the years before the outbreak of the Civil War in 1936. The book is divided into two parts. The first part is an examination of the Spanish Jesuits in the years before the proclamation of the Republic in AprU, 1931,up to the decree dissolving the order inJanuary, 1932. The statistics are aU there: at the beginning of 1931, there were 3001 Jesuits in eighty communities; they operated twenty-one colegios teaching 7,000 students along with 5,500 students at the Jesuit-run universities; they pubUshed some forty periodicals; and thousands of poor students were taught by Jesuit-sponsored groups. Despite the work they did with the poor, the Jesuits were hopelessly compromised by their identification with the monarchy and Primo de Rivera's dictatorship . They were victims of anticlerical violence even before AprU, 1931: one of their residences in Gijón was burned in 1930, and their response was to enroll some of the Jesuit brothers in the local militia to get training to prevent further attacks, an action that was countermanded by Jesuit General Ledochowski in Rome. Once the Republic was proclaimed, there was more anticlerical incendiarism ; the Jesuits knew that dissolution or expulsion was coming, and they began to scramble to sell their property or hide it. The Constitution of 1931, which became law in December of that year, caUed for the legal dissolution of the Jesuits and a prohibition on their teaching, along with the confiscation of their property, which was to be used for...
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