
This article demonstrates how the institutionalization of cosmography and navigation ended with the slogan Non Terrae Plus Ultra , and led to the emergence of imperial heading Plus Ultra helped by the navigation of a Mare Tenebrosum (the Atlantic Ocean), and the delineation of the contours of a new world that began beyond the Columns of Hercules. This process was made possible by the establishment in Seville of the House of Trade in 1503 and the creation of scientific offices such as Pilot Major, master of making nautical charts or cosmographer. The ship appears on the cover of the Regimiento de navegacion (1606) by Andres Garcia de Cespedes across the pillars of the hero of Greek mythology highlights the Baconian premise of man's dominion over nature, the knowledge gained through the conquest of the West Indies, and also the wishes of the Spanish monarchy by taking advantage of the usefulness of scientific knowledge by joining the nautical experience and cosmographical theory.


  • En su origen esta institución fue constituida como autoridad intermediaria y administrativa encargada de controlar el comercio y las flotas procedentes de Indias

  • This article demonstrates how the institutionalization of cosmography and navigation ended with the slogan Non Terrae Plus Ultra, and led to the emergence of imperial heading Plus Ultra helped by the navigation of a Mare Tenebrosum, and the delineation of the contours of a new world that began beyond the Columns of Hercules

  • This process was made possible by the establishment in Seville of the House of Trade in 1503 and the creation of scientific offices such as Pilot Major, master of making nautical charts or cosmographer

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Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

RESUMEN: En este artículo se pone de manifiesto cómo la institucionalización de la cosmografía y la navegación puso fin al lema Non Terrae Plus Ultra y propició el surgimiento de la rúbrica imperial Plus Ultra ayudada por la navegación de un Mare Tenebrosum (el Océano Atlántico) y el trazado de los contornos de un mundo nuevo que empezaba más allá de las Columnas de Hércules. La nave que aparece en la portada del Regimiento de navegación (1606) de Andrés García de Céspedes cruzando los pilares del héroe de la mitología griega pone de relieve la premisa baconiana del dominio del hombre sobre la naturaleza, el conocimiento obtenido a través de la conquista de las Indias Occidentales y, también, los deseos de la monarquía española por aprovecharse de la utilidad del conocimiento científico mediante la unión de la experiencia náutica y la teoría cosmográfica. THE ARTISANS OF ‘PLUS ULTRA’: PILOTS, CARTOGRAPHERS, AND COSMOGRAPHERS IN THE HOUSE OF TRADE IN SEVILLE DURING SIXTEENTH CENTURY

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