
Abstract The objectives of this test were to evaluate European red mite control, predator populations, phytotoxicity and fruit finish under heavy rates of Lorsban/oil/spreader applications. Material was applied with a handgun at 250 lb pressure dilute. Applications were made on 28 Jul 1988 with a 1-5 mph breeze. Temperature at the start of applications was 80°F and rose to 87°F by the time all spraying was finished. Other high temperatures were all in excess of 92°F for the duration of this experiment. Treatments were applied to Sturdee Spur red delicious on M106 which were well-pruned with good sunlight penetration. Applications were made to 3 replicates in a randomized complete block design. This test was carried out in a commercial block, and superimposed on the grower's standard spray sechedule. All trees received oil plus Lorsban 50 W at 1/4 inch green and weekly alternate middle post bloom applications of Guthion plus Penncap or Guthion and Lannate.

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