Summary1. Freshwater communities are subject to various abrupt environmental disturbances and increasing pollution levels in their habitat. According to the nature and the periodicity of disturbances (i.e. punctuated, recurrent or continuous), one may expect different kinds of response of the target gastropod communities.2. The gastropod community of a French lake has been investigated for 10 years to study its responses to three main environmental disturbances: supra‐seasonal droughts, recurrent proliferations of cyanobacteria and parasitism by trematodes. The relationship between this latter factor, considered as a continuous stressor, and the gastropod community was a particular focus.3. A total of 13 280 gastropods belonging to 17 species (mostly Pulmonata with Planorbidae as the dominant family) have been sampled in the lake over the 10‐year time series. Species composition of the gastropod community varied strongly during the study period as did species richness (0–14, mean of 6.5 ± 0.4 species) and abundance of gastropods (0–4456, mean of 192 ± 72 individuals). Trematode larvae belonging to 11 morphotypes of cercariae were detected in 15 of the 17 species of gastropods and had a total prevalence of 2.9%.4. Droughts (punctuated stressor) were responsible for the disappearance of nearly all gastropod species, and thus represent a severe environmental stressor for them. Nevertheless, the extent of this stressor was limited since the gastropod community was highly resilient.5. Recurrent proliferations of toxic cyanobacteria (recurrent stressor) coincided with the large decline of the gastropod community, corresponding to a strong decrease in abundance and species richness. Intoxication of gastropods by toxic cyanobacteria was demonstrated by the bioaccumulation of microcystins in all gastropod tissues.6. Trematode parasitism (continuous stressor) did not affect the gastropod community despite the possibly strong impact of parasites on some host species (those with monthly prevalence as high as 100% at some times). Indeed, abundance and species richness of gastropods were scarcely influenced by trematode prevalence or species richness.
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