
The purpose of this research article is to explain how a public transport company should operate, using long-range planning as a technique. But what is long-range planning and why is it important? Briefly, we will say that it maintains the business study in the future as well as in the present, it reinforces the principles acquired in the mission, vision and strategy, it promotes interdisciplinary planning and communication, it assigns priorities in the destination of resources, it is the bridge with the process of tactical planning that forces the executives to see the planning from the perspectives of the present in responsibilities of fulfillment of future goals, it maintains the administrative team united to translate the The mission, vision and strategy are translated into tangible results. Long-range planning leads to positioning, providing the tools to focus on the positions the company needs to achieve, such as future markets, technology, human development and financial forecasting. The company studied has three main activities: it transports passengers. It currently operates on the following routes: part from the city of Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The basic objective of the research is to develop the long-range planning of a company that transports passengers. Long-range planning of the company's future activities over the next five years will make it possible to draw up the long-range production plan, the long-range human resources plan, the long-range cash flow plan, the long-range tax plan, the long-range marketing plan and the long-range customer service plan.

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