
For select women with early endometrial cancer, particularly nulliparous women, nonsurgical options may be considered. There is increasing experience using progestogens, but little is known about the long-term outcomes and safety of such treatment. To present the cancer and pregnancy outcomes of women with greater than five years follow-up after progestogen treatment for early endometrial cancer. Ten women who underwent greater than six months of continuous progestogen therapy for early endometrial cancer were included in the study. All were managed by a gynaecological oncologist at a major tertiary centre in Melbourne, Australia. The histology of each subsequent curette was recorded, as was the timing and histology of hysterectomy (if relevant), and the results of any subsequent pregnancies. All ten women showed histological regression of cancer with no cases of recurrence on follow-up curette. Four of ten women have undergone hysterectomy with one case of occult disease persistence in a woman noncompliant with therapy. The mean follow-up time was 89months (range 62-142months), there were no deaths and no woman was lost to follow-up. All four women attempting pregnancy were successful. There were eight pregnancies and five live births. This form of treatment appears to be successful and safe in the long term with good pregnancy outcomes. However, it is not standard and should be supervised in a specialised gynaecological oncology unit.

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