
The subject of this article is the development of information technologies at the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in the form of Industry 4.0, i.e., Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. Successes in the implementation of this technology have led to the development of new applications in the energy sector, such as energy management systems, small modular reactor (SMR) management systems, and alternative power supply systems based on renewable energy sources. The digital infrastructure of these management systems is characterized by a high "density of knowledge", which requires clarification of fundamental concepts in information theory, namely the content of the concepts "data", "information", "knowledge" and "meaning of knowledge". Special attention was given to defining the role of knowledge. The aim of this study is to further develop methods and models of semiotic theory by determining the role and place of logical as well as eight- and four-factor logical-semantic models of knowledge bases in semiotic space. The tasks: comparing existing knowledge representation methods and models. Research results: We found that the logical models used in the development of knowledge bases are based on the principles of artificial intelligence theory, which relies on sign system hypotheses and formal logic theory. The main drawback is the complexity of practical implementation in the form of expert systems. For logical-semantic models in the form of eight-vector graphic models, it was found that there is currently no theoretical justification for defining the vectors that form the coordinate axes, making these models unique to specific subject areas. It was determined that the advantage of using these methods is that an expert can independently form such a knowledge model. For logical-semantic models in the form of four-factor graphic models, there is a theoretical justification for defining the factors of the model that form the coordinate axes, making these models universal for specific subject areas. It was established that the advantage of these models is that they can be developed by experts without the involvement of a knowledge engineer. Therefore, it is proposed to use four-factor logical-semantic knowledge representation models for further application. It is also proposed to split the element "logical-semantic models" into two elements in the semiotic spatial model in vector K8 "Knowledge Representation Models", namely: "logical-semantic eight-vector models" and "logical-semantic four-factor models". Additionally, it is proposed to add the element "post-Cartesian representation of meta-knowledge" to the element "geometric" in vector K5 "Ideal Models". Conclusions: The theoretical basis for developing eight-factor logical-semantic knowledge representation models is the form of connections between adjacent vectors in the form of Cartesian products on elements of the corresponding inter-coordinate matrices. The theoretical basis for the methodology of developing four-factor logical-semantic knowledge representation models is the form of connections between adjacent vectors in the form of Cartesian products for elements of the corresponding inter-coordinate matrices, as well as for diametrically opposite pairs of factors in the form of dialectical unity of the concepts "general" and "particular." The application of logical-semantic knowledge representation models for alternative energy-source management systems will ensure increased energy efficiency. Other cases related to the development of databases for SMR digital infrastructure are discussed.

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