
The author reviews his results on locally compact homogeneous spaces with inner metric, in particular, homogeneous manifolds with inner metric. The latter are isometric to homogeneous (sub-) Finslerian manifolds; under some additional conditions they are isometric to homogeneous (sub)-Riemannian manifolds. The class Ω of all locally compact homogeneous spaces with inner metric is supplied with some metric dBGH such that 1) (Ω, dBGH) is a complete metric space; 2) a sequences in (Ω, dBGH) is converging if and only if it is converging in Gromov-Hausdor sense; 3) the subclasses M of homogeneous manifolds with inner metric and L G of connected Lie groups with leftinvariant Finslerian metric are everywhere dense in (Ω, dBGH): It is given a metric characterization of Carnot groups with left-invariant sub-Finslerian metric. At the end are described homogeneous manifolds such that any invariant inner metric on any of them is Finslerian.


  • Introduction is geodesicThe last statement means that any two points of the space can be joined by a segment or shortest arc, i.e., a curve of lengthOne can observe in last decades an intensive development of non- which is equal to the distance between these points.holonomic metric geometry and its applications to geometric group theory, analysis, CR-manifolds, the theory of hypo-elliptic differential equations, non-holonomic mechanics, mathematical physics, thermodynamics, neurophysiology of vision etc

  • The last statement of theorem 9 implies that the search of geodesics and shortest arcs of invariant Finslerian or Riemannian metric on homogeneous manifolds reduces in many respects to the case of Lie groups with left-invariant Finslerian or Riemannian metric

  • Let us note that using Pontryagin maximum principle (PMP), the author found in paper [27] all geodesics and shortest arcs of arbitrary left-invariant sub-Finslerian metric on three-dimensional Heisenberg group

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Homogeneous Manifolds with Inner Metric

The following statements for locally compact homogeneous space with inner metric (M, ρ ) are equivalent:. (4) (M, ρ) is isometric to (G/H, d); where G is a connected Lie group, H is a compact Lie subgroup of G, and d is some inner metric on G/H; invariant relative to the canonical left action of G on G/H. Theorem 3 implies that G is a connected Lie group, H is a compact Lie subgroup of G; which proves (4). Let M=G/ H be the quotient space of a connected Lie group G by its compact Lie subgroup H, (D, F) is a pair with conditions (a1) (a5) [4,5,7]

Then the formula
Tangent Cones and Carnot Groups
Homogeneous Finsler Manifolds
Homogeneous Manifolds with Integrable Invariant Distributions
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