
The pseudobranch of the pinfish Lagodon rhomboides is an unusually homogeneous and structurally simple tissue, well suited to cell fractionation studies. Its principal cell type, closely related to the chloride cells of teleost gill, is characterized by numerous mitochondria in close association with abundant tubular invaginations of the plasma membrane. Other cytoplasmic organelles are rarely encountered. In broken fresh pseudobranch cells negatively stained with ammonium molybdate, a 40 A particulate layer was observed on the intracellular surface of the tubular plasma membrane fragments. Nuclear (N), mitochondrial-light mitochondrial (M+L), and microsomal (P) fractions, obtained by differential centrifugation, were characterized by examination of fixed, embedded pellets and unfixed preparations negatively stained with ammonium molybdate and potassium phosphotung-state. Mitochondria, in orthodox configuration and retaining their outer membranes, were observed in M+L and N. Significant amounts of tubular, sheetlike, or vesicular membrane fragments were observed in all three fractions. Many such fragments, when negatively stained, showed the 40 A particulate surface layer characteristic of plasma membrane invaginations, and in some cases 20-A projections could be resolved on the opposite (extracellular) surface. Since these morphological observations, together with previously presented biochemical data, suggest a plasma membrane localization of Na(+), K(+)-ATPase, the possible association of the enzyme with membrane projections is discussed.

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