
Determining the border between ergodic and localized behavior is of central interest for interacting many-body systems. We consider here the recently quite popular kicked Ising chain. A convenient description of such a many-body system is achieved by the dual operator that evolves the system in contrast to the time-evolution operator not in time but particle direction. We focus in this paper on the largest eigenvalue of a function of the dual operator. It is identified to be a convenient tool to determine if the system shows ergodic or many-body localized features. We analytically explain the eigenvalue structure by perturbation theory in the vicinity of the noninteracting system. This result agrees with the numerics for small times in a previous work [Braun et al., Phys. Rev. E 101, 052201 (2020)]. Given that a direct numerical computation of this largest eigenvalue is only possible for small times, another achievement of this paper is to provide a way to determine this eigenvalue by the ratio of spectral form factors for adjacent particle numbers. By extensive large-time numerical computations of the spectral form factor, we can then distinguish between localized and ergodic system features and compute the Thouless time, i.e., the transition time between these regimes in the thermodynamic limit.

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