
Freshwater swamp in Tasik Serai Timur Village is one of 22% freshwater swamps in Sumatra. It is a part of biosphere reservation of Giam Siak Kecil of Bukit Batu Riau which is included among eleven biosphere reservation in Indonesia. It has ecological and economic functions to be preserved. One of many ways to preserve it is by teaching about it to the students. There have been many researches discussing about using its local potentials as a learning resource, but there are just limited numbers researches on local potentials of freshwater swamp, especially at Tasik Serai Timur village which can be used as the source of learning materials on ecosystems. The research methodology used here was descriptive method. The data was obtained by using explorative observations in the field and interviews with the people living around the research spot. From the result of the research, Local potentials found were abiotic and biotic components, types of interactions, and adaptations made by biotic components in freshwater swamps in the village of Tasik Serai Timur village. It is found that local potentials on freshwater swamp in this village can be used as learning resources for senior high students based on basic competence 3.10 and 4.10.

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