
In this paper we introduce a new load testing technique called Deterministic Markov State Testing and report on its application. Our approach is called “deterministic” because the sequence of test case execution is set at planning time, and “state testing” because each test case certifies a unique software state. There are four main advantages of Deterministic Markov State Testing for system testers: provision of precise software state information for root cause analysis in load test, accommodation for limitations of the system test lab configuration, higher acceleration ratios in system test, and simple management of distributed execution of test cases. System testers using the proposed method have great flexibility in dealing with common system test problems: limited access to the system test environment, unstable software, or changing operational conditions. Because each test case verifies correct execution on a path from the idle state to the software state under test, our method does not require the continuous execution of all test cases. Deterministic Markov State Testing is operational-profile-based, and allows for measurement of software reliability robustness when the operational profile changes.

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