
This essay paper focuses on how the idea and use of technology is gradually reorganizing not only the structural arrangements but also redefining relationships and relational patterns. In particular reference to new technological applications and sites that are increasingly used by people for networking and bonding, there is a macro-discourse of being and staying connected through technology. Such platforms assume an easy access or an imagined availability of the other person at all times. Such availability also assumes psychological availability of the person, despite any personal circumstances he/she may be in. Experiencing the compressed space and time has given birth to the debate of quality of life and relations surrounding it vs. the constant flux of technology that restricts the psychological freedom while facilitating a structural freedom to communicate. Technology is an artifact that not only symbolizes values of ease and convenience but also has the potential to affect the deeper assumptions and values people hold about life and relationships. Thus, it mediates our personal, social and organizational realities, pushing us to live in dual worlds.

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