
Frequency of violations of nutritional status, lipid metabolism, cardiovascular status and large vessels endothelium changes in servicemen with fatty liver dystrophy and early fibrosis are assessed. It is revealed that the prevalence of hepatic pathology with dysmetabolic aetiology in this category has vary from 41 to 67%, increasing in combination with subclinical atherosclerosis. According to the results of the study, it is found out that the fibrotic changes in the liver of servicemen associated with a higher frequency of abdominal obesity (higher body mass index and waist circumference), dyslipidemia and structural atherogenic changes of common carotid arteries intima-media complex by type of subclinical atherosclerosis. Have been determined that a violation of the liver elasticity revealed during conducting of transient elastography on servicemen with initial fibrosis meets I-II stage. In the same group with biochemical study increased hepatic biochemical parameters of cytolysis and cholestasis that may indicate activation of inflammatory reactions and transition from fatty hepatosis to more severe stage of steatohepatitis are revealed. A possible mechanism of relationship of obesity, liver fibrosis and atherosclerotic changes of endothelium is proposed. A primary role of fibrosis in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease as a risk factor for the progression of hepatic and cardiovascular pathology in young men was determined.

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