
The Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century identifies seven planning factors that must be considered in the transportation planning process. One of these factors requires that states and metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) promote efficient system management and operation and establish a formal role for management and operations (M&O) activities in the transportation planning process. In support of this requirement the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission, the designated MPO for southeastern Virginia, has been aggressively involved in addressing transportation M&O under the structure and auspices of regional transportation planning. Recognizing the need for intergovernmental cooperation and technical innovations to meet planning for M&O activities and challenges, the Hampton Roads MPO formed the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Technical Committee in the early 1990s. In many ways the Hampton Roads region has long been on the leading edge of ITS planning efforts. The region pioneered development of an early deployment plan in 1995 and was also an early adopter of an ITS regional architecture. There is a strong partnership and collaboration among the region's ITS stakeholders. This paper focuses on planning efforts used in integrating ITS and M&O activities into the mainstream of the regional transportation planning process in Hampton Roads. The paper describes key elements and the process undertaken by key players to ensure integration for achieving a safe and efficient transportation system in the Hampton Roads region.

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