
The article highlights the problem of lingvocognitive portrait of I.P. Voinitsky in the play by A.P. Chekhov "Uncle Vanya" as a linguistic personality. To be more exact, the article analyzes the lexemes track, grave, drop, juice in phraseologisms used in the thesaurus of I.P. Voinitsky reflecting his lingvocognitive portrait by the lexicographical data and materials. In some researches one can find the works related to the study of phraseologisms in the play "Uncle Vanya" by A.P. Chekhov, but they have never been considered from the point of view of bearers of the Chinese linguistic culture. Therefore, the author compares the lexemes in phraseologisms used by I.P. Voinitsky in Chekhov's play "Uncle Vanya" with those in the Chinese language through the lexicographical materials. The contrastive description allows to identify better the linguistic picture of the world of I.P. Voinitsky and to find similarities and differences between the linguistic pictures of the world of the Russian and Chinese lingvocultures. We have found that the lexemes track and drop in phraseologisms of the Russian language are consistent with those in the linguistic picture of the world of the Chinese language, and the lexemes grave and juice differ. Meanwhile, we have noted that the thesaurus of I.P. Voinitsky includes lexemes that are used in a figurative sense on the basis of similarities. In other words, I.P. Voinitsky uses his favorite phraseologisms consisting of the lexemes used in a figurative sense, what reflects his linguistic picture of the world and reveals his lingvocognitive portrait. Thus, as mentioned above, our study has implemented lingvocognitive portraiting of I.P. Voinitsky as a linguistic personality. In addition, we have paid attention to phraseologisms which are characterized by emotionality; we noted that their use reflects not only favorite phrases of I.P. Voinitsky as a linguistic personality, but also reveals his attitude to himself or others.

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