
The anthropocentrism of modern linguistics and the inexhaustibility of the meanings of human existence convince us of the relevance of conceptual analysis. Therefore, the aim of the study was to investigate the linguistic-semantic content of the general cultural concept of FATE in the mental structures of consciousness of the carriers of distant Slobozhansky and Boykivsky dialects, and the task was to structure these semantic units and the corresponding linguistic (speech) constructions. The objects of the study were narrative texts (narratives) of dialect speakers, where the motive of human fate is traced (directly or indirectly), and the subject of the study are the semantic components of the concept of FATE in the Ukrainian dialect continuum and their verbalization at the lexical, phraseological, syntagmatic, and syntactic levels. The methodology of the study consisted of a continuous selection of linguistic-semantic components of the concept of FATE from the dialectological material recorded in the summer of 2021 and a semantic analysis of the identified speech structures.In the analyzed narratives, the concept of FATE is represented by denominations that belong to the lexico-semantic groups (LSG) «Expressions about the inevitability of fate», «Expressions about the hardship of female fate», «A statement about the need to change one’s destiny», «A statement about the typical fate of a representative of a certain community in a certain historical period». In the LSG «Statements about the inevitability of fate» we single out speech constructions that fit into semantic models (SM) «the bureaucratic apparatus of a totalitarian state moves a person from his native place against his wishes», «the dependence of life’s fate on a typical life model»; in LSG «Statements about the hardships of a woman’s fate» − SM: «a stepmother (mother-in-law, fatherin-law) interferes in the formation of a young woman’s life destiny», «the fatalism of an unsuccessful marriage for a woman»; in LSG «Statements regarding the need to change one’s fate» − SM: «satisfaction with one’s fate (aspiration for a sustainable life)», «active position in changing one’s fate», «active position in changing the fate of one’s children»; in LSG «Statement about the typical fate of a representative of a certain community in a certain historical period» − SM: «lack of work and decent earnings as a negative factor in life’s fate», «habituation of representatives of another ethnic group to the search for a better fate in the worlds».We see a comparative analysis of the linguistic and semantic components of the concept of FATE in Ukrainian spoken and artistic discourses as a research perspective.

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