
The article deals with some aspect of using video in teaching English as a foreign language. The main attention of the article is focused on the benefits and goals of using authentic video materials for language learning and teaching, as well as the advantages of using videos at the English language lessons. At each stage of practice, there's a variety of tasks, ensuring the successful perception of foreign speech by students that increase their motivation to learn a foreign language. Video material stimulates interest, is a role model, expands students’ knowledge of the linguistic and cultural features of the language being studied, and also provides effective material for the subsequent discussion. Using video in teaching a foreign language opens up ample opportunities for the teacher and students in mastering the language and foreign culture. Video resources have an advantage over audio and printed information. Visual information allows you to better understand and consolidate factual information and language features of speech, as visual support contributes to a complete and accurate understanding of the meaning, activating attention and memory and contributing to the development and skills of listening and speaking. The main point in the issue is that for certain teaching purposes technology is an irreplaceable means and for others (like authenticating the input, listening to native speech) is the most appropriate from logistical and practical points of view. Besides, multimedia technology that involves interaction (so-called non-linear multimedia) is a strong source of learner motivation to perform the teacher's assignment. These objective-features, together with the fact that classroom digital technology is based on multimedia, which, itself, is centred on video, lead to the teachers’ using videos more and more intensively and often encounter the aforementioned problems. The current intense of the video usage makes it necessary to give all efforts to try alleviating the potential problems caused by it.

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